Review rent statements and other Landlord bills to understand current lease economics.
Perform remaining obligation analysis.
Perform needs assessment.
Technical requirements (If any)
Space programming
Geographic parameters
Scenario planning
Preliminary financial analysis
Budget discussio
Stage 2. Option Development
Conduct space survey.
Space inquiries and landlord/listing agent outreach.
Identify off-market opportunities.
Review potential options with client.
Conduct space tours.
Determine whether other professionals such as an architect or contractor are needed to assist.
Prepare a comparative matrix of options.
Develop short list of options.
Stage 3. Transaction Implementation
Draft proposals
Prepare financial and qualitative analysis of all Landlord responses.
Submit counter proposals for final options. Make it clear to the respective Landlords that we have multiple good options thus creating leverage in the negotiation.
Analyze next round of responses and select a prime candidate to conclude a negotiation with.