NYC Office Leasing Specialist

Office Leasing Specialist

Leasing Info & Considerations

At the end of the day, it’s not about a particular space and the rent.   There is so much more to it.  The full scope of the deal must make sense. 

Below is an example list of items that we will review together throughout the process:

  • What are your occupancy objectives?
  • The Financial, Operations & Qualitative considerations.
  • Location consideration (employee retention)
  • Information on each landlord?
  • Are they a long term or short-term holder?
  • What is their reputation?
  • What is their debt position?
  • How much work or cash allowance are they willing to contribute to the deal?
  • What is their building standard for materials?
  • Does the Landlord have an architect that will provide a test fit and ultimately prepare construction drawings?
  • How much free rent are they willing to provide?
  • What is the difference between a direct operating pass through and an annual escalation?
  • What is a rent bump?
  • What are market standards?
  • Are there any building amenities?
  • Are there any renovations planned?
  • Is cleaning included?
  • What are the hours of heating and cooling?
  • What are the lobby hours?
  • What is a good guy guarantee?
  • Security deposit?
  • Many others.